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Ústav konstruování - závěrečné práce




Prediction of wear of dental filling materials during tooth cleaning
Predikce opotřebení dentálních výplňových materiálů při čištění zubů

Aim of thesis: The research focuses on the analysis of the wear of dental filling materials due to toothbrushing and toothpaste during daily oral hygiene. This is an experimental work in which the effects of the tooth filling material, the shape of the end and hardness of the toothbrush fibres, the abrasiveness of the toothpaste and the effect of the use of manual and electric toothbrushes will be discussed. Attention will also be paid to the effectiveness of plaque removal.
  • Cooperation with cosmetic companies SynCare Plus, spol. s r. o. and Nobilis Tilia, spol. s r. o. Cooperation with the research group Advanced Biomaterials at CEITEC BUT in Brno. The doctoral studies will take the form of an industrial doctorate.
Supervisor: prof. Ing. Martin Vrbka, Ph.D.
Co-supervisor: Ing. Pavel Čípek, Ph.D.

3D printed individualised segmental joint implant: biotribology of articular surface
3D tištěná individualizovaná segmentální kloubní náhrada: biotribologie artikulačního povrchu

Aim of thesis: The aim of the research is to describe the tribological behaviour of 3D printed individualised implants for local replacement of femoral head defects. The aim is to design an implant friction surface that achieves a very low coefficient of friction and minimally wears the opposing articular cartilage. This is an experimental work where suitable biocompatible materials such as titanium alloys produced by additive Selective Laser Melting, CoCrMo alloys and advanced biomaterials such as PEEK or hydrogel will be tested. The result will be a prototype of a local implant for clinical trials.
  • Cooperation with the Second Faculty of Medicine, Charles University and Motol University Hospital (prof. Havlas). Cooperation with the University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague (prof. Vojtěch). Cooperation with the implant manufacturer ProSpon, spol. s r. o. Involvement in the upcoming project call of the Czech Health Research Council.
Supervisor: prof. Ing. Martin Vrbka, Ph.D.
Co-supervisor: doc. Ing. David Nečas, Ph.D.

Modelling of hydrostatic bearings control elements to ensure lubrication layer stability
Modelování řídicích prvků hydrostatických ložisek pro zajištění stability mazací vrstvy

Aim of thesis: The objective is to develop an experimentally validated numerical model describing flow and performance parameters in thin lubrication layers of hydrostatic bearings considering the effects of elastic deformation, geometric errors, asymmetric loading, thermal effects, and flow control.
  • Involvement in the solution of the GAČR LA international project The possibility of an internship with the co-investigator of the project - Gdansk University of Technology
Supervisor: doc. Ing. Petr Svoboda, Ph.D.
Co-supervisor: Ing. Michal Michalec, Ph.D.

3D-printed metal composites reinforced with 2D nanomaterials for next-generation biomedical implants
3D tištěné kovové kompozity vyztužené 2D nanomateriály pro biomedicínské implantáty nové generace

Aim of thesis: The aim is to research and develop a new generation of joint implants using 2D nanomaterials, which allow superlubricity conditions to be reached and thus ensure the replacement operation under extremely low friction coefficient and nearly zero wear. It is supposed that 2D materials represent a milestone in many engineering disciplines, including biomedical engineering. Cooperation with the academic and private sectors is planned within the topic, while the outcome of the thesis is in a new-generation implant which will be biocompatible and suitable for clinical testing.
  • Cooperation with the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile, internship abroad.
Supervisor: doc. Ing. David Nečas, Ph.D.
Co-supervisor: prof. Ing. Martin Vrbka, Ph.D.